Inspired by both mythical and quite real monsters, the music of Uummat echoes people’s astonishing ability to survive in the toughest of environments


Album information

Title: Uummat (2020).
Tracks: 7 (vinyl) + 1 (cd & digital)
Released on KDK Music - digital, vinyl and CD



June 2020 at The HideOut studio with producer Lucas Illanes


Photo, video and Web credits

Video by Lucas Illanes
Photo by Niklas Lundsgaard Svendsen
Web by Lukas Bysted

Kenneth Dahl Knudsen’s new album “Uummat” is a massive artistic statement, both in terms of the complex compositions and the stellar musical performances by an all-star team of musicians from his hometown Aalborg.

Working on Western Greenland island Uummannaq, Knudsen was exposed to the vast, calm and awe-inspiring natural surroundings, which were the first catalyst for a new set of compositions. Soon, a second incidence added a new dimension to the music. During a dinner with the leader of the local orphanage, Knudsen was invited to read from author Lise Andersen’s book Uummat - Stories from the heart, a book documenting the personal experiences of neglect of children from the orphanage. Third, Kenneth encountered the rich Greenlandic folklore in the recently published Bestiarium Groenlandica - an illustrated handbook of mythical beings, spirits and animals.