Live recording of Iris & Vanta May 9th

Live recording of Iris & Vanta May 9th

DKK 300.00
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Come experience the live recording of “Iris & Vanta” as close as possible! 

On May 9th, 19:30

I’m so excited about recording this new piece with some of the best musicians I know. 

The acoustic setting makes it so delicate and fragile, yet powerful and deep. 

Usually musicians keep a safe space around themselves once the red light is on and recording begins. 

However, I feel that audience brings in another dimension to music. 

A sense of danger amidst the beautiful space that is being created when musicians dive into interplay, expression and performance. 

Only 20 tickets for sale! 

Champagne and soda will be served before and after the concert

2 sets 

Hideout Studio